English Gogya Teachers’ PLC

Guided by:   Tzipporah Moskowitz, ישיבת אמית נחשון , Toby Tabak Friedman, אולפנת אמית קמה

“Theory is knowledge that doesn’t work. Practice is when everything works and you don’t know why.”(Hermann Hesse)

We invite you to take part in our Amit English teachers’ community. 

Community Goals

  • Support, help and share. 
  • Encourage and facilitate connections between teachers and schools in the Amit network.
  • Expand teachers’  knowledge and repertoire of innovative language practices. 

Community tracks


  • 30 hours modular-hybrid in service training focusing on problems facing teachers today, and smart solutions to deal with them, for example:
    • non readers in the classroom
    • teaching vocabulary 
    • improving overall classroom management
  • In school English staff guidance and learning
  • Community meet ups with world-wide experts
  • ETAI-AMIT collaborated Gmul track

Tzipporah – 058-6400884
Toby – 052-537-4603

Community’s group:

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